Welcome to the EOHA website where you can find information and resources required for assistance with your housing needs.
The United States Housing Act of 1937 authorized states to pass legislation enabling establishment of local public housing agencies (PHAs) to receive federal assistance. The Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998 (QHWRA) was enacted to reform public housing by:
Reducing the concentration of poverty in public housing;
Protecting access to housing assistance for the poorest families;
Supporting families making the transition from welfare to work;
Raising performance standards for PHAs;
Transforming the public housing stock through new policies and procedures for demolition and replacement and mixed-finance projects;
Merging and reforming the Section 8 certificate and voucher programs; and
Providing for HUD management reform through deregulation and program consolidation.
Approximately 3,300 local PHAs own and operate public housing developments nationwide, assisting over 1.3 million households. The Housing Authority of the City of East Orange (EOHA) manages just fewer than 250 units of public and other affordable housing properties at two sites located in East Orange, NJ.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) administers Federal aid to local housing authorities (HAs) that manage the housing for low-income residents at rents they can afford. HUD furnishes technical and professional assistance in planning, developing and managing these
The head of the household must be:
18 years of age or older;
A "family" as defined by HUD; and
Your annual gross income must be within the current limits set by the HUD. The income limits are based on the current median household income in Essex County
For Senior and Disabled Citizens, The head of the household must be:
62 years of age and older;
Certified disabled; and
Your annual income must be within the current limits set by the HUD. The income limits are based on the current median household income in Essex County as follows:
The Security Monitoring Program has been a part of the Senior Disabled Community for many years in response to resident concerns regarding safety.
Providing the opportunity for residents to participate in the efforts to secure the buildings. Security Monitoring Program was to continue providing security to the buildings but improve the quality and efficiency of the services being provided.
The East Orange Housing Authority decided to implement a program that involved (and compensated) residents for assisting in the security efforts. They are on-duty in rotating 4-hour shifts for seven days a week—At Vista Village, participating residents work from 8am – 4pm and in Concord Towers, they work from 8am – 8pm.
The role of this agency, Public Housing Authority, is to provide affordable, safe, decent and sanitary housing for the senior and disabled community.
Financing is provided through HUD and the administrator of the Security Monitoring Program is Kassema Jones, Property Manager. The Modernization Coordinator, and Executive Director, provided assistance. Residents should also be trained to ensure that they perform the duties with consistency and accuracy. Communication lines must remain open and evaluations and feedback should be regularly completed and welcomed.

East Orange Public Housing
Concord Tower
Constructed in 1963, Concord Tower is an eight story building.
Location: 210 North Grove Street, East Orange, New Jersey
The building has 64 one-bedroom units of low income
elderly/disabled units
Vista Village
Constructed in 1969, Vista Village is an eight story building.
Location: 70 South Burnet Street, East Orange, New Jersey
The building has 180 Total Units:
(107) Efficiency
(72) one bedroom
(1) two bedroom elderly/disabled units.
Public Housing Services and Activities for Residents
Congregate Programs:
Provides meals and housekeeping services for residents.
Computer Labs/Classes
Onsite Doctor
Onsite Salon and Barber Shop
S.H.O.P: Senior Health Organization Program
Monthly activities for the residents includes: Coffee Hour, Bible Study, Game Night, Bingo, Church Service, Movie Day and much more!
The Public Housing Authority provides affordable, safe, decent and sanitary housing for senior and disabled community. Financing is provided by HUD.
Housing Management: EOHA Public Housing
Kassema Jones, Reginal Property Manager
Concord Towers
Ashley Mitchell, Assistant Housing Manager
Rakeim Spotwood, Superintendent
210 North Grove Street
East Orange, New Jersey 07017
Telephone: 973-766-8896 Ext. 29
Fax: 973-675-0962
Vista Village
Eva Irby, Assistant Property Manager
Craig Gardner, Maintenance Supervisor
70 South Burnet Street
East Orange, New Jersey 07018
Telephone: 973-766-8896, Ext. 14
Fax: 973-675-2845